Delivering locked-in excess returns, with no tracking error and no fees.

Our solutionS

Flag combines the appeal of sophisticated structured product design with high-quality global credit portfolio management to create solutions for investors with the following benefits:

  • ‘Locked-in’ excess returns, fully eliminating active management performance uncertainty
  • Flexible deployment across different fixed income and other capital market indices
  • Reliable, predetermined at-par liquidity ‘windows’
  • Elimination of investor-borne market risk
  • Negligible tracking error
  • No charged fees

The inherent flexibility of Flag’s approach makes it valuable in a range of investor portfolio settings, wherever investors desire a return profile superior to passive management, but with performance certainty, including:

  • Core cash, fixed income and equity allocations where certainty of excess return is prized
  • Retirement income investors seeking reliable income
  • Investors seeking to reduce management fee spend
  • Investors seeking tailored liquidity and pay-out profiles
  • Portfolios with asset risk charge sensitivity and ‘look-through’ requirements

Returns are locked-in when the investment is held to maturity as intended; the investor is exposed to market risk / break fees on early redemption.
Small statistical tracking error does exist due to excess returns above the index even when the investment is held to maturity. Early redemption may incur break fees that would cause tracking error.
Liquidity at Par is available at pre-agreed windows.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The information is a summary only; for further details please contact Flag Asset Management Pty Ltd (AFSL 459495) at the details on the ‘Contact Us’ page.